Library Bylaws






The following By-Laws of the Woodward Public Library shall govern the administration and actions of the Board of Trustees in the operation of the Woodward Public Library, Woodward, Iowa as provided by the state and county law and city ordinances as may be amended from time to time.




The principal office of the library in the City of Woodward, State of Iowa shall be located at 118 S. Main Street, Woodward, Iowa or at such other place or places within the City of Woodward as the Board of Trustees many, from time to time, determine.




Section 1:  Number, Appointment, and Term of Office


A.     The number of trustees of the Library shall not be Less than seven (7), five (5) of whom are residents of the City of Woodward within City Limits and two (2) non-resident members appointed from outside of the City Limits.  All members are to be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.

B.     All residents members of the Board shall be bona fide citizens with primary residences located within the Corporate City Limits of the City of Woodward.  All non-resident members of the

              Board shall be bona fide citizens with a primary residence located outside of the Corporate City

              Limits but have a City of Woodward mailing address.

C.   All appointments shall be for a term of four (4) years, commencing on July 1st of each year so

       that terms of office are staggered.  Appointments shall be made each year of one-third the total

       number or as near as possible, to stager the terms.

        D.  If a vacancy occurs, caused by a death, resignation, removal, and disqualification or otherwise,

              prior to the expiration of a Trustee’s term, the position is filled in the same manner that

              appointment are made, and the appointee completes the unexpired terms.

         E.  Board members shall regularly attend meetings.  If a Board Member fails to regularly attend, the

              Board can recommend to the Mayor that this member be removed from the Board.

         F.  Members of the Board of Trustees shall act without compensation for their services.


Section 2:  Duties and Powers


A.     The Board of Trustees will be responsible for the control and management of the affairs, property, expenditures (see attached Resolution #1), and interests of the Library, and may execute all powers as granted by the state laws and City Ordinance Number 7.07 and, as hereafter my be amended by the State of Iowa and/or the City Council of the City of Woodward and if required, by a majority vote of the general public.

B.     The Board of Trustees shall have the following specific powers in addition to the general powers authorized by law or ordinances:

a.      To cooperate and contract in any manner deemed necessary with the city, county, state, and federal governments.

b.      To provide for committees made up of Board members and volunteers, at no compensation, to do any and all necessary actions for the operation of the library except that said committees or any member thereof will have no authority to expend any monies of the Library without Board approval.

c.      To employ a librarian/librarians and fix compensation and vacation periods.

d.      To establish a policy for selection of books and other materials to be purchased and contained in the library.

e.      To establish regulations providing library operations and the use of the Library and its equipment.

f.       To accept all memorial gifts.

g.      To obtain memberships and incur expenses for memberships in state and national library organizations and associations.


Section 3:  Meetings


A.     Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees will be held on the first Monday of each month at the Library.

B.     The Board of Trustees, from time to time, may provide by resolution of holding of other regular meetings of the Board of Trustees, and may fix the time and place thereof.

C.      Special meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held whenever called by the President or by one of the Trustees, at such time and place as may be specified.

D.     The Board shall comply with Iowa’s Open Meetings Law by printing and publicly posting a copy of its agenda 24 hours prior to the meeting.  The Agenda will be posted in the Post Office and in the foyer of the Library.

E.      The Director of the Woodward Public Library is expected tol be present and participating at each meeting of the Board.

F.      The Board will conduct its meetings according to parliamentary procedures as detailed in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

G.     Public Comment.  While it is not a requirement to provide time for public comment, visitor’s comments shall be at the discretion of the Board President or presiding officer.  The library board may allow up to 15 minutes of each board meeting for public comment.  Each speaker may be limited to three (3) minutes to address the board until the allotted time is up.

H.     Electronic Participation.  Trustees attending a board meeting by electronic means will count towards the quorum.  The majority of the quorum must be physically present for board meetings unless it has been determined that the meeting must be entirely electronic.



Section 4:  President


               At all meetings of the Board of Trustees, the President of the Board, if present shall preside.  If

              there shall be no President, or he/she shall be absent, the Vice President will preside and, if

              he/she is absent a chairman appointed by the Trustees shall preside.


Section 5:  Quorum


               At all meetings of the Board of Trustees, the presence of a majority of the entire Board shall be

              necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, a quorum being

              four (4) Board members.




Section 1:  Number, Qualifications, Election, and Term of Office


A.     The officers of the Library Board shall consist of a President, Vice President, and Secretary.

B.     The officers shall be elected by the Board of Trustees at the first regular annual meeting of the Board following the end of the fiscal year, which is June 30.

C.      Each officer shall hold office until the 1st regular annual meeting of the Board of Trustees next succeeding his/her election following the end of the fiscal year, and until his/her successor shall have been elected and qualified, or until his/her death, resignation, or removal.




Section 2:  Duties of Officers


A.     President

The President of the Board of Trustees shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Library.  The President shall execute any and all papers, instruments, or documents which have received approval of the Board of Trustees, on behalf of the Board of Trustees.

B.     Vice President

The Vice President of the Board of Trustees shall serve only in the absences of the President, and then only in matters delegated to him/her by the Board.  The Vice President shall cooperate in any and all matters with the President.

C.      Secretary

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the Board meetings and preserve the same for future reference and use.


Section 3:  Resignation, Removal, or Vacancies


               Any officer may resign any time by giving notice of resignation to the Board of Trustees, or to

              the President, or the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.  Any officer may be removed and a

              successor elected by the Board at any time.  A vacancy in any office may at any time be filled for

              the unexpired portion a term by the Board of Trustees.



Reviewed and adopted February 4, 2008

Amended and approved November 3, 2014

Amended and approved April 2, 2018

Reviewed October 4, 2021

Revised April 4, 2022 and approved May 2, 2022

Revised and approved June 5, 2023
