Continued Growth

At the May meeting Myrna was welcomed aboard as the new Library Director and began on May 5, 2016.  Silent Auction plans were underway once again and John Maier had offered to seek items for the event.  Leah offered to lead Book Club and did so until November, when Myrna took over leadership.  At that time, the Book Club was moved from Cayanne’s back to the Library and the time was changed to 5pm.  Volunteers had stepped up to the plate during the transition covering the desk and doing the After School Program.  Both Little Free Libraries were installed by July—one at the Trailhead and one in the Park. During Friends and Neighbors Day on June 4 the Library was open for the public to stop by to welcome the new director. Water, cookies, and bars were provided.  Kathy and Kendra had a craft project and the board participated in the parade.  The Summer Reading program theme was Sports.  Lynn Williams worked with the director on the Summer Reading Program.  The digital bulletin board was installed and working.  Kendra was working on the library’s website.


June work was completed on the furnace and the window project.  In May, Myrna had already obtained her public librarian certification.  She informed the board that she would need earphone/microphone combination to take classes on line.  The library needed a ‘go to’ tech person for the library technology system, especially for the Thin Clients computers.  For the Summer Reading Program three groups were planned: preschool, K-5, and teen, as well as, an adult sign up program.  Lynn Williams would lead K-5.  Myrna contacted businesses for prizes. Terri would check Casey’s for coupon donations for teens. Kathy would provide snacks.  Myrna wanted to provide age appropriate books for kids who participate.  The Blank Park Zoo came July 13.  Gene and Kathy wanted to start a monthly writer’s group.  A drawing was held on June 30 for Cubs tickets that had been donated.   Kendra and Myrna worked together to order new business cards.  Mary Bustad had already lined up five homes for the Tour of Homes and resigned her post as Tour of Homes leader.  The exit light, on the south wall, had burned out and was replaced in June.


The Friends and Neighbors Day Open House, June 4, was a success.  Lynn Williams led an “Olympic” craft in the morning.  Myrna registered people for summer reading.  Angie and Jeanne walked in the parade with Linda Weyers driving her jeep encouraging the community to use the library.  Gene wanted a program for the summer of 2017 where the library take advantage the bike trail.  Kendra was working on improving the connection between the library website and the city website.


In July, a list of magazines was brought to the board, followed by a survey.  The results was presented at   the board meeting.  This was done to see if some subscriptions could be discontinued, and if new subscriptions should be added. Myrna presented concern about the lack of use of the teen and children magazines.  A total of 95 people registered for the Summer Reading Program.  The last week of the program was the last week of July.  The Early Out Program was being planned but was not ready to present to the board.  The E-rate funding for 2016 would be $666.84.  Myrna attended an online class August 26 and an all-day class in Jefferson, September 23.  The Foundation held a fundraiser Friday, July 15 (Art on the Fly).


Post cards were sent to those who had agreed to be a part of the Tour of Homes.  Kendra presented the new business cards at the Board Meeting.  Appreciation Cards were brought to the August meeting, signed by everyone, and sent to the Volunteers for their work in the Library.  The Granger Library was interested in partnering with us to provide a scholarship for W-G students. Kathy and Kendra would work with the Granger library on this project.  The scholarship had to be dropped after it was found that a public entity cannot give money to a private individual.  Kendra reported that the library was now on the city’s website.  Before decisions were made about Tech Support the board met with Frank White on July 12 to learn about the Thin Clients and the operating system at the library.  The board needed a new member as Angie would be leaving.


By August the window work and new counters had not been completed.  The Summer Reading Program was a success.  Next year’s theme would be Building.  Myrna purchased a digital camera for the library using Library Foundation dollars.  The Blank Park Zoo visited on July 13 and 75 people in attended.  Early Out plan was in place and slated to begin the last week of August.  The Dallas County Conservation was contacted for a program.  Myrna reported that the library was in desperate need for shelving space.  This was the beginning of many discussion on Library Space need.  Kendra ask for a committee to help with the Silent Auction fundraiser.  Terri and Angie provided that help.


After meeting with Frank White, new businesses were invited to provide bids for technology support.  The library received a bid from Nick Thompson/Right Click for tech support at $35 per hour with written contract which the board approved.  The 141 Garage Sale/Book Sale moved to the back room.  Books were sold for $2 a bag full.  Sales were held during library open hours Friday and Saturday.


An Author event sponsored by the Library Foundation was held at Snus Winery in September.  The Dallas County Author event in Perry was September at $12 a ticket.  The Early-Out Program was completely planned by Kathy and Myrna.  Myrna had training on October 5.  Banned Book Week in September had a book display.  The Grant for Bikes from the Dallas County Libraries fell through.  Closet cleaning happened in August and was an ongoing project.  Terri took over the ongoing work of the Silent Auction.  John continued to contact businesses for donations.  Myrna collected the items as they were brought to the library or came by mail.  One couple dropped out of the Tour of Homes.  Replacements were discussed and Kendra and Angie contacted those individuals.  If no replacement was found, it was decided to go with 4 homes.  Since Mary Bustad expressed she was not interested in chairing the Tour Homes event, Jeanne volunteered to do it.  The Window/Counter Top project was finally completed in August.


Mary Rose presented a sketch of her vision for the stained glass panel project in memory of Nadine Burkhart.  Nadine’s panel would be the center panel in a five-paneled piece of stated glass artwork.  The sketch was sent to Nadine’s family for approval.  Once the library received their approval, two panels would be constructed for $1000.


Myrna presented literature on the Disc Cleaner.  She contacted other libraries to see what type of cleaner they used.  Myrna received the board’s approval to make the disc cleaner purchase.  It arrived in September.  The Dallas County Foundation Grant application was due February 1.


The second Free Little Library was still not finished.  A place had to be found where it would be weather protected.  Jim visited with the City on the matter.  Myrna presented to the Board Nick’s written proposal for tech support from Nick’s business Right Click.


The Library had a profitable Book Sale.  The library had been receiving many books donations from the public.  It was decided that, the library would put notices in several locations, that the library would not accept book donations.  Three wood magazine carousel magazine racks and table were placed on sale on the State Library’s website.  There was no interest shown, so Angie put them on two Swap sites on Facebook. The table sold and 2 of the carousels.  Fiber Optic was installed in August and the computer’s internet connections were noticeably faster.  There continued to be a need for more shelf space, so it was decide to sell two study carrels and put a bookcase in their place.  Myrna was given her three-month evaluation and received a $.25 raise.


The Early-Out Program was planned with different a theme for each week and those themes would stay the same each month.

            Week 1 Meet your High School sports team

            Week 2 Crafts

            Week 3 Card Games

            Week 4 Surprise Guest


By October there were now three persons interested in being on the Board.  There had been a request from a worker at the Resource Center for Little Free Library.  It was approve to put a Little Free Library up at the Resource Center pending approval from the Center. 


In November, Myrna began doing Book Club at the library at 5 pm. Myrna attended the State Library Town Hall meeting in October.  It was on “Raising our Standards, Planning for Success”.  The Annual Report was completed and submitted in October.  Myrna was reaching out to the High School to involve students for the after school program and contacting the elementary weekly to have announcements reminding the children of the Wednesday Early-Out program.


The Little Free Library at the park was installed.  A name had been submitted to Mayor for consideration as a new board member.


Discussion began on the need to hire a part time technology person responsible for the Library’s website, Facebook, calendar, and advertising.  A decision needed to be made before the budget was turned in to city hall at the end of the December.  At a special meeting in mid-December, it was agreed to hire a part time technology person.  A job description accompanied the proposed budget when it is was submitted to city hall.  The position would be ‘Social Media Coordinator for 15 hours a week at $12 per hour.   As the city worked on the budget, the new part time position hours were scaled back to 10 hours.  In the end, the hours were set at 7.  Once the city approved the budget, the board voted to hire a part time person for Social Media Coordinator to begin in 2017.


In December, a repairman was called to work on the front door, which had been dragging.  The frame had separated from floor and had to be re-anchored and the hinges adjusted.  A repair person was called for the copier.  The copier drum was replaced, the roller cleaned, and needed adjustments made.


The contract for Books of a Better World had become complicated and was requiring too much preparation and mailing expense in preparing with very little financial reward in return.  The contract was cancelled.




Lynn Williams joined the Board for the January meeting, as she was appointed as replacement for Angie Hoyt.


In an attempt to increase children and teen traffic in the library, the Iowa School Library award books were purchase with Foundation dollars.  IASL award books fall into four areas—Goldfinch Award grades K-2, Iowa Children’s Choice grades 3-5, Iowa Teen Award grades 6-8, Iowa High School Book grades 9-12.  As a part of the Early-out Program, the director introduced a few of the books each week in hopes of getting the students excited about reading them.  Since the Woodward-Granger School district decided not to have a media specialist, this opened a door for the director to go to the Middle School and High School to introduce each book, giving a summary of what each book is about.  She was able to talk to grades 6-9 literacy classrooms, introducing both the Iowa Teen and the Iowa High School Award books.


The Writing Class was not meeting and was eventually dropped.  Board of Trustee training was scheduled in March at the Adel Public Library, 5 board members attended.  Dallas County Book Rotation was on schedule.  The large print books would rotate each month January through September 2019.


The Bouton contract was raised to $225 and a new contract was typed up.  Lynn Williams would host an evening Dr. Seuss birthday party, 7 children attended.  An appreciation card was signed by each board member and sent to John Maier for his work on the previous Silent Auctions.


During Spring Break the Library hosted Jester Puppets and their program Heroes in the W-G MS/HS Auditorium. 50 were in attendance.  That same week the Library had an afternoon Adult Program with Kathy Wilson entitled ‘Determined, Defiant, & Self-Reliant’—Jane Eyre/Charlotte Bronte.  During the first three months of the year, the Early-Out program had as a special guest Mike Havlik from Dallas County Conservation.  In March the Library received a donation of 116 inspirational books.  The school donated missing Woodward-Granger school year books, but the library was still be looking for copies for 2002 and 2015 years to complete the collection.


Attendance for Early-Out continued to be consistently 20-30 students with an increase in adult volunteer help.


Advertising for Social Media Coordinator was placed in Perry Shopper, Madrid News, and on the City of Woodward website with an application deadline of April 7, 2017.


Once again, the Lions’ Club coordinated with the Library for the Easter Egg Hunt on April 15.  Crafts were held in the Meeting Room.  99 were in attendance.


In April front doors issues and lack of storage space are continued concerns for the Library.


The Dallas County Library Association sponsored Toddler Fest on May 6 at the Dallas County Fairgrounds. 1221 were in attendance.  Kathy Yager attended as Woodward Public Library’s representative.


To help with costs of magazine subscriptions, the board discussed encouraging the community to donate a year’s subscription to the library.  Adopt A Magazine was started with a few sponsors for the year.


The vacuum cleaner started to have problems cleaning the carpet.  The director found that it was under warranty and the repair would be free.  Jeanne volunteer to take it in and the director picked it up.  At that time the repair people, told Myrna that the vacuum was no longer under warranty because it was a home model being used as an industrial model, at a library where there was a lot of foot traffic.


A free subscription to A to Z Culture (about countries of the world) and A to Z USA was accepted and then paid for one year.  This was an online subscription, but received very little traffic was cancelled the following year.


In April a list of Library accomplishments for the year (May through April), a year-end report, plus goals for the coming year, was presented to the board.  In May, Myrna would visit each Literacy Class at the Middle School and the High School 9th and 10th grade English classes to promote the Summer Reading Program.  During Friends and Neighbors Day, the Summer Reading Program hosted Pick Stew—clowns who made animal balloons.


The Early-Out Program was well received for the year with a variety of activities and special guests.  Each week consistently brought 20-30 children, in with the last week attendance at 20.


In May, three interviews were held and a person was offered the position of Social Media Coordinator at $11 per hour.  The new hire worked four weeks but resigned June 21 this person resigned. The re-hiring process began immediately.  Applications were accepted until July 28.


In June maintenance fees for the front door addition of automatic door openers of $1400 would be due upon completion.  With Myrna Mayfield dollars a laminator and laminating film was purchased.


The last week of every month a considerable amount of time is spent in preparation of the monthly Board Meeting, held the first Monday of each month.  Once reports are completed, all sent via email to each of the Board Members. It was June, on the last Friday of the month, Monday was the board meeting.  At 1: 30 pm as the director open the final report, a malware virus went through the system and everything was gone.  Everything had been encrypted.  All was lost—Word documents and Excel documents, all ledgers in the system.  Myrna had Nick, from Right Click, come in to see what could be done.  He told her it could take anywhere from one hour to eternity to repair it.  The only option was to email all board members on the matter and begin to work on the reports again.  All the new documents were partial reports, as all information and facts were gone.  The reports were done by memory.  Nick later installed a backup system to prevent this from happening again.


July’s board meeting was on the July 3.  The next day, the Library was closed for the 4th of July.  Upon opening on Wednesday, the library was stuffy, so Myrna turned on the air conditioning.  By mid-morning the library was stifling hot.  A call was made to a repairman.  The Library had many people in the library upon his arrival.  It was discovered the air conditioning unit had been tampered with.  All wires and tubing had been clipped.  A new unit would cost $3000 and would take two weeks to arrive.  The situation was reported to the board members and it was decided to order a new unit and be put on the list for installment.  The sabotage was reported to city hall for insurance reimbursement and to the police for vandalism.  This turned out to be a really hot July.  Some board members brought fans to the library for the duration.  Statistical reports that had been done during June, were redone to meet the State Library deadlines.  The unit took three weeks to arrive.  Sometime during the fourth week it was installed.


In June, the laminator had arrived and advertising would begin to inform the patrons of its availability.  While setting it up, it became apparent that a proper table would be needed due to its weight.  Money left from Myrna Mayfield grant was used to purchase the table. It arrived mid-September.


The Library’s Strategic Plan needed to be rewritten and accreditation work began in July, but the State Library had extended it one year.  The work actually began in 2018.  Bouton informed the Board, they were ready for their Little Free Library.  Silent Auction planning would begin in July.


The Summer Reading Program—Build a Better World, ran during June and July and was a success.  55 children and adults registered.


In August, Myrna took her vacation and Susan covered the hours as often as possible.  Payment for the website hosted by Weebly was due in August.  The payment could only be done by credit card which the library did not have.  Discussion began with ‘Does the library go through PLOW, which is a website hosted and supported by the State Library?  Or, ‘Should the library set up a Google account with more options’?  Since Myrna was leaving for her vacation in a few days, it was decided to pay Weebly using the city credit card. Upon her returned, she would begin to explore the possibility of going with PLOW.


Backup Batteries for the patron computers were dying.  Checking with Nick, at Right Click, the cost was $40 per battery.  6 were needed and must be prepaid.  After consulting with Kathy, Myrna put together $240 from guilt box money and paid Nick.  The batteries arrived on August 30.


The city received the insurance payment for the air conditioner and dollars were placed in the library’s budget reimbursing the Library for the payment made for the installation.  The electrical work for the automatic door was done late in August/early September which completed this project.


All Dallas County Reads was held in September at the Granger Community Center.  The author was Donald Harstad.  Nonfiction author Dan Gable was hosted at Perry Performing Arts Center in October.


The Little Free Library for Bouton arrived late in August.


This year’s Silent Auction would be a raffle.  Raffle tickets were sold for a grill, big screen TV, and a Woodward quilt.  A Social and Charitable Gambling License was obtained enabling the Library to hold the event for $40, was paid by the Foundation.


Myrna and Nick, from Right Click, put together a technology plan to stay ahead of the Library’s technology needs.  Lynn was doing evening story time in August. 7 were in attendance.  The annual report was submitted in September.


September, bookshelves purchased from the Perry Public Library a few years back, had been remade with half of the shelving placed in the library near the meeting room door, to be used for the Iowa Collection.  The other half was placed in the meeting room and used for the Genealogy Collection.  Interviews were conducted for the Social Media Coordinator.  This time some very impressive candidates had applied.  Chris Peterson was offered the position and started October 6.  The Burkhart stain glass memorial was finally complete, but the Library needed to find someone to install it. During this same time the Library received a memorial of $316 for Richard Calonkey.  The family requested the money be used for children’s fun books and children’s books on farming. 36 books were purchased.  A Cricut was purchased with Myrna Mayfield grant money.  Myrna went to the Middle School again in 2017 to do book talks for this year’s Iowa Teen Award books.  The 8th graders came to the library for the talk.  A music license was purchased this year for the Summer Reading Program theme which was on music.  The license would allow music to be played in person or mechanically.


In October, Mike Blaser finished the wiring work for the front doors, making them automatic.  Myrna spoke at Lions’ Club on the Library’s needs.  The board wanted to write a Dallas County Grant, but found it could not because a follow up/evaluation letter from a previous grant had never been submitted.  Myrna and Kathy investigated what needed to be done, then sent the completed form and letter requested.  The evaluation was accepted and the Library was now able to write another grant.  The Library needed a new copier/scanner/fax machine, cabinet storage, and a new office computer.  The computers had ongoing problems.  Either the patron computers would be down or the circulation desk had no internet and the director’s computer and had no Follett (circulation/cataloging) but had internet or the reversal.  The switch and router finally did die.  Nick made the repairs, but prompted the Library about the need for a replacement.  Cricut and Laminator Policies had been written.  The money from the Tour of Homes and Silent Auction went towards the automatic doors’ expense.


The Bock Grant was received for $500 and was used for the charging stations and for Atriuum (the circulation and catalog software).  The Social Media Coordinator’s work for the first month had been quite impressive.  A bid from Perry Paint of $176.55 to install the Burkhart memorial was approved and was installed in November.  The Raffle held at the end of November and during first week of December.  The Tour of Homes was set for December 3.  An Adopt a Magazine tree was displayed in the library.  The ornaments were magazines and their subscription costs.  Job descriptions were written for the Library Assistant and Social Media Coordinator, and approved.  These job descriptions became a part of the library’s policy manual.  Mike Blazer replaced the emergency lights with LED lights in the Library at a reasonable price.  Memorial money of $875 was receive for Sharon Janssen and used to purchase adult mysteries.  The library received a donation for $950.


Jim Gough resigned as a board member in order to run for City Council.  The search for a new Board Member from Des Moines Township/rural began.  Dallas Center Public Library weeded their cake pan collection in December and Myrna accepted and added them to the library’s cake pan collection.  A memorial plate was made and attached to the Burkhart Stain Glass Memorial.




A Logo Rug was purchased with Myrna Mayfield grant money and arrived in January.  The Library owns 5 laptops using Vista Business which no longer was in service with Microsoft and therefore was more likely to get a virus.  Nick at Right Click highly discourage their use with the internet.  Nick shared possible options with the board.  It was decided to sell the laptops, as is, at a garage sale, but in the end Nick purchased the laptops.  Discussion continued this year on Space Management issues.  At the January meeting, it was decided to use the Bock grant, Raffle money and Tour of Homes dollars to purchase the software upgrades needed for the front desk computers.  Myrna and Kathy met with the Foundation to discuss adding Bridges books to the Woodward’s collection.  A discussion on overdue books resulted in notices with cost of replacement being sent in an attempt at retrieving the books.  Myrna shared with the board the need to begin working on the new Strategic Plan and accreditation work.   There was so little response to the Writing Program that it was taken off the calendar.  Jeanne informed each member of the date their terms would be up.  Brian Ridler was appointed to the board and began serving at the March meeting.  In January the grant committee would meet to write the Dallas County Grant.  January would be the month all the backlog of new book (going back to Director Stephanie York) would be completely cataloged.


During the City budget meeting in January, with the Library Board present, there was information presented that was not exactly correct, as to how the library is being run.  Through a process of investigation, changes needed to be made.  According to the Mayor, the Library and Foundation had not actually done anything wrong, the procedures needed to be followed in order to spend and properly track funds.  The City does not set the budget of the Library and the City does not determine what is spent in each library budget category.  To discuss this further the Library Board and Foundation were asked to meet with Mayor Devick to understand the changes in how funds need to tracked and accounted for in the future.  The meeting took place in March.  At the conclusion of that March meeting, the copier owned and maintained by the Foundation was given to the Library, therefore, it was owned by the city.  The Library would now have to pay for copier maintenance and supplies.  This meant there would be less funds for books, audios, DVDs, etc., that makes the library a library.  Also, any checks written to the Library were to be turned over to the city.  Any donations written by check had to use the words ‘Woodward Library Foundation’ written on it.


In February, $293 remained to be spent from the last Myrna Mayfield grant.  It was voted to use it purchase more laminating rolls and supplies for the Cricut.  Work began on the Strategic Plan by using a community survey of 5 questions for short interviews with a variety of community patrons of different ages, occupations, and interests.  By March the questions were ready and the list of community people to interview was complete.


 February was the first Adult Program.  This program was held the second Saturday of each month.  It had a variety of speakers and subjects.  This month also started a teen afterschool program held at the same time as the K-5 Early Out program.  Because of Space Management issues in the Library, Kathy and Myrna visited different libraries in the area and arrangements would be made to visit others in the state that had been remodeled.  Myrna met with W-G Superintendent Brad Anderson for information on the preparation necessary before building.


Because of the attendance numbers for Early-Out went up, volunteers committed to helping exclusively on Wednesday afternoons.


In April the Dallas County Foundation awarded the Library a $10,531 grant for technology upgrade and new office/meeting room storage cabinets.  The Bock Family grant awarded the Library $500 and Myrna Mayfield award $6000 of which $1000 would be used for technology and cabinet installation project.


In April another policy was reviewed and the Board By-laws were amended for the accreditation work.  Russell and Dixie Boyles came to the library to make a list of the historical items that were in storage.  The plan was to identify what is on hand, then decide how they should be properly stored and displayed.  The annual Lions’ Club/Library Easter Egg Hunt took place on April 7.  All Dallas County Reads were in Adel and Perry this year.  Adel hosted nonfiction author Darcy Maulsby in September and Perry hosted a fiction author in November.


Changes to the board took place in July.  Kathy Yager had fulfilled her term and would be replaced with Sandy Seeman.  Gene Grell had resigned from the board in March and would be leaving December 31, 2018.  Discussion was beginning in April about doing the Social Center lunches to help fund the technology replacement and remodel.


In April, memorial money given in memory of Bernice Bustad and Brian Nelson were earmarked for books. 


At the May meeting a Year in Review of the accomplishments that occurred at Library from May 2017 to April 2018 and a list of goals for the coming year was given by Myrna.


Dallas County Libraries host the annual Toddler Fest in May with attendance close to 1000.  Left over books from the event were given to each of the 12 libraries.  The books that the Library received were given away during the Summer Reading Program.


After the Foundation and the Library Board met with the Mayor in March, they met once again in May to discuss their perspectives and hopefully work together.  In the end, Myrna presented their concerns at the next Council meeting, which was given in form of a letter.  Both groups had agreed to work together on the issues and for future fundraisers.  Gene volunteered to be the liaison between to two boards.  Also, the Board and the Foundation worked together doing the three summer meals at the Social Center.


The year’s Summer Reading was all about Music—Libraries Rock!  Activities and special events were scheduled nearly every weekday except Fridays from June 4- July 12.  46 people registered for the summer activity.  By June, the Adult Programming had been well received and well attended.  Attendance averaged 15 to 20.  Accreditation work was moving along with 2-3 policies reviewed or rewritten each month.  The interviews/surveys were being completed.  By June the board had received certain word that Bouton wanted a Little Free Library.  The technology/remodel project needed $11,000 to be complete.  Discussion began in June on how to raise the money through fundraisers and grants.  The Bock Grant had to be spent by October.  Part of this technology project was changing the circulation/cataloging software.  Currently, the Library was using Destiny Follett and would be switching to Atriuum. Follett had not been paid the annual fee due in July.  Atriuum needed a letter of intent to start working on the database and transition of the records.  A check was written to Nick at Rick Click to do the prep work needed to switch out the office computer and equipment, as well as purchasing the new copier/fax/ scanner and office computer/equipment.  The annual Book Sale was held during Friends and Neighbors Day.


The letter dealing with the copier issue to the City Council was well received.  City Attorney was in favor of its content.  The Mayor was not present at the meeting do to the fact that his wife had taken ill and was in the hospital.  The council was in agreement that the mayor had to see it before action could be taken.  A letter of intent had been sent to Book Systems—Atriuum, billing would be August 1.  Contact had been made and information was coming to begin the down loading of the MARC records.  No additions nor deletions of items to the collection could be made from July up to the time of installation.  In June a Children’s Concert was held in the park as a part of the Summer Reading—Libraries Rock!  20 children and adults were in attendance.  Blank Park Zoo came in June.  Their program was entitled ‘A Very Musical Habitat’ with 32 children and 19 adults in attended.  Evaluations were given to all the Library Staff in June.  The State Library had launched EDGE which is a managing tool to help libraries align their technology resources to the community’s priorities.  This helps public libraries support the education, workforce, and health and wellness of the individuals and the community libraries serve, by providing free access to technology and the internet.  EDGE guides libraries to set measurable, strategic goals for digital inclusion and engage government and community leaders in discussion about needs and plans.


As a part of the Dallas County Foundation grant, all the library’s records were sorted through throughout the year.  Each was scrutinized to determine what had to be kept on file and what could be tossed.  Once complete, the retained records would be sent to be digitalized.  To do this work a Retention Policy was written and approved by the Board. 


13 Policies were reviewed/rewritten during June and approved in July.  Brian Ridler asked to step down from the Board. During the July meeting it was voted to change the library’s website to PLOW.  The platform comes free from the State Library.  Training for PLOW began July 18.

Registration for Library Rocks! was 51, ages 2 to adult.  It was held June 4 to July 12.

There were 6 special events a totaled where 272 were in attendance.


In July, the Board made plans to visit libraries in the midst of remodeling or where additions were being added.  On July 16, two board members and the director made the trip.  They visited the Carroll Public Library, population 10,103.  The group met with the director and the board president who encouraged them to have a building study.  Carroll shared with the process and tips to keeping everyone informed.  Carroll’s remodel had not begun.  The tour of the facility showed it was over crowded and very much out of space.  Story time was going on while we there.  It was held in the center of the library.  Adults were there studying, reading, and working on computers.  Summer Reading Program/Prize area was ‘plopped’ in the middle of the main part of the library, as well.   Shelving for new materials was nearly non-existent.  Storage rooms were packed.  The director had an office that had also become a storage room.  All extra staff worked in the open in the circulation area, because there was no space for offices. 

Carroll have had experienced so many obstacles and issues to overcome in order to pass their referendum.  The public was afraid their taxes would go up.  Plus, many patrons felt there was nothing wrong with the library.


The next stop was Churdan Public Library, population 386.  Churdan had already begun the remodeling and addition of the library.  They had secured a building in town and moved in within 2 week period in March with the help of many community members. The work on the old building began immediately.  Our group received a tour of both the temporary facility and the remodeling of the permanent library, while the men were there doing the work. The Woodward group met with the library director, Shari Minnehan, her staff, and her entire library board.  They shared with us that they had obtained a grant from Sunderland Corporation.  They asked for $75,000 and received $50,000.  The Board and Director focused on their work with the architect, selection process and working alongside them to accomplish what was wanted.


Before leaving Churdan, the Library were encouraged the Woodward group to visit the Grand Junction Public Library the town’s population 824.  The Grand Junction Library had replaced the furniture and freshened up the building.  They applied for a grant and received $3000 to the project.  New carpet had been laid, a yellow-orange paint was applied in the children’s area, and a bright blue accent paint on a couple of the regular library walls, while leaving the rest of the library snow white.  It was noted that the director’s office had been converted, at some point in time, to a computer room.  The director and clerk shared space at the circulation desk.


The Woodward group then traveled on to visit the Rippey Public Library before returning home.  Rippey has a population 292.  The entire library was one room in a building shared with city hall.  The collection was very small with some shelves dedicated to the history of Rippey. One interesting feature was a key board was available for practice and that a local person comes in and gives lessons.  The second unique concept was the availability of Wii.


Sandy Seeman, who had been appointed to replace Kathy Yager, joined the board at the August meeting. 


At the September Board Meeting a list was developed of places the new website needed to be shared with including the City of Woodward, Woodward-Granger Community School, and on the Library’s social media site.  This was completed by the end of the month.  The technology update was beginning and purchases were being made.  Chargers would be purchased for the charging stations.  A letter was sent to the Bock Family grant to receive the $500 from the 2017 grant and the new grant for Bock for $9700 had been written in sent in.  The amount left to raise was $7400.  The invoice for the Book Systems/Atriuum software was received in early September.  All the records were sent this month to could be configured with the new software. The library closed September 13 for training on the new software, but reopened for the evening.  The new system was up and running on that day.  This software allows patrons access to the library’s catalog via the website, a requirement for the accreditation.


Fundraising jars were be set out in the business community to collect donations from the public, and be an ongoing fundraising source.  Advertising was made to inform the public of the library’s need of $1500.


Myrna attended a Canva workshop at Harlan Public Library on August 22.  The outlets were switched out and changed with outlets/cell phone chargers.  This was the last work that needed to be completed with the 2017 Bock Grant.  The high school business teacher began teaching his class called ‘The Business Experience’ in the library in the afternoon, during the year.  The Dallas County Trustee training was held at the Van Meter Public Library August 15.


A State Library grant had been written to have a building consultant come and study the Woodward Library building and its space needs.  Two people submitted bids to do the study.  Shana Stuart, who had both architectural and Library Science training was selected.


The 141 Garage Sale/Book Sale raised $210 dollars.  The Social Center meals for three months raised $1278.  More fundraisers were discussed.  The Tour of Home discussion with possible changes began and more fundraising ideas were discussed that involved Woodward businesses.  Silent Auction planning began by contacting local businesses and asking them to put together baskets.


A discussion began on the possibility of using Bice’s digital sign. Tim Bice and Nick Thompson were contacted on what the possibility, of using the digital sign for advertising would be.  The result was that the sign needed repairs, parts needed were out of date and hard to find.  So this form of advertising was unavailable to the library.  By the end of September Bouton’s Free Little Library was still not up.  In October, the go ahead was given to write the grant for the Building Study.  More discussions were held on ideas for fundraisers.


The community surveys were completed and in October the Strategic Plan writing began.  The Annual Report was submitted in September to the State Library.  In October the library hosted it largest Adult Program to date. “The Amish, Our Neighbors” was to be held at the Methodist Church because of the large numbers the program were generating at other libraries.  50 patrons were expected, so the program was scheduled at the Methodist Church.  The week of the program, someone passed away and the funeral was scheduled at the church on Saturday.  The program was switch to the library. 30 people attended.  More would have been present but they were attending the local funeral.


The Strategic Plan focused on space management, increased programing, and more advertisement of needs and events.  Much of the work had been completed for accreditation and was presented to the board for approval in November.  ADA (handicapped accessibility) work need was complete at the end of October with updated parking signage.


The 2017 Bock grant projects were finished, all invoices were paid, and the Library had receive the $500 it had been awarded.  The 2018 Bock grant award was $1020.  Digitalization had been started and was completed at the end of January, 2019.  The Library was told it would receive the building study grant from the State Library.  Shana Stuart was contacted to begin the work.  She would be paid initially with Myrna Mayfield grant dollars.  Those dollars would then be replaced when the State Library reimbursed the Library.


Discussions occurred for a Tour of Businesses instead of a Tour of Homes fundraiser.  Tickets would be $10 and event would be December 2 from 2-5pm.  A Silent Auction was still up in the air.  The Jar Collection raised $1265 as of October 1.  The Brother color-printer was advertised and sold for $50.  Lexmark contract had to be bought out for $125. It was a rental and the library was purchasing a new one as part of the upgrade.  It eventually sold for $25.  The Little Free Library at long last had been put up in Bouton.  This project had taken 5 years to complete.

At the September meeting, it was anticipated the city would appoint a replacement for Brian Ridler.  A replacement was needed by January for Gene Grell, and three more Board positions were open in July.  A donation of $1000 was received by the library to be used on the upgrade/remodel project.


In October, the Library office was completely cleaned out so the work could begin.  The digital files had all been readied for pick up. $400 was received from the Des Moines Township Board of Trustees, with hopes to add to the project.


The new Cabinets arrived on November 1.  Upon delivery 5 of the cabinets were too tall and had to be replaced.  The first set of cabinets took three weeks to be made, the project needed to be completed in two weeks, due to the carpenter was scheduled for surgery in mid-November and would be on complete bed rest for 8 weeks.  The cabinet replacement meant an additional charge, with no returns or compensation for the mistakes.


A surprise invoice came in the mail from a 2016 unpaid invoice that had never been sent.  That had to be paid which really tighten the library’s main budget.  25 kids came to the library Beggar’s Night and receive their candy.  The number of trick or treaters was down from the previous year.  The Strategic Plan and the Technology Plan were finish, presented and approved at the November Board meeting.


Only $29,029 had been collected for the office remodel and the carpenter needed to be paid about $20,000 to pay for the cabinets.  The four new cabinets were $3461.40.  The 5 oversize cabinets the Library had to find a buyer.    The Building Consultant began her work in November.


Winter Fundraisers were decided on.  There would be a Silent Auction.  The businesses would be ask to support the auction.  Their donations were collected in early November.  The Auction ran from November 17-December 8.  Winners were announced at 1pm on December 8.  An Open House at the Library for the upgrade/remodel was held that same day from 9 am to 1pm.


Teresa Neal was appointed to the board to replace Brian Ridler.  The Adult Program for December had to be cancelled due to an illness in the presenter’s family.  Since the office had been completed, Mary Bustad volunteered to paint the walls and was finish before the open house.  The upgrade/remodel was finish and final payment of just over $8000, was paid to the carpenter.  The $1039 invoice for digitalization was paid.  Three plaques were purchased to recognize those that made the project possible.  Final reports were written and submitted.  Both the Silent Auction and Open House were well supported.  38 people attended the Open House.  The Silent Auction raised $1375.  Shana Stuart spoke to the board and asked questions in order to begin the study on December 13. She would return in January 2019 to share the results of the building study and give recommendations to the Board. 


In December 53 overdue book notices were sent out.  10 books were returned and a few letters were returned due to incorrect addresses and contact information.


Proposed projects for 2019 were installing LED lights, a marquee sign, possible Building/Space needs, gaming systems and chairs, Little Free Pantry and purchasing season passes to metro area attractions for the community members to check out.


The next Dallas County Grant application was due February 1.  Unfortunately, the office remodeling project had taxed all of the library’s resources, so no grant was written. The office remodel took all the dollars designated for other projects plus some reserves the Foundation had.  Grants need matching funds, so the board would be doing fundraising to replace these dollars.


The deadline for the director’s recertification was December 31.  45 hours of continuing education from paid classes, webinars, and workshops over the last two years were completed.  The documents were mailed in December 19 and she received her new certificate on December 27.




While readying the accreditation information to submit to the State Library, in late February, the director discovered that standard number 31 of weeding the collection of 3% of items for 3 years, had not been achieved.  The number completely weeded was 1.67%.  This percentage could cause the library to loose tier 3 standing.  Tier 3 standing receives the greatest amount of funding available.  After speaking with Scott Dermont at the State Library, the director was given an extension to April 30, to weed 850 items.  This would give the library 5% withdrawal amount.  This would insure this standard would be mean and the Library would retain its tier 3 status.  This deadline was easily, as the work was completed on March 29.  From March through mid-April Diabetes classes were held.  This year’s Summer Reading Program Theme was ‘A Universe of Stories’.  It was based around outer space and the world around us.


In January discussions began on installing LED lights in the library and around the outside the building.  A local business offered to do the work.  After much back and forth, negotiations broke done and in the end this project fell through and was put on hold.  Seven days in January 2019 the Library was closed or had shortened hours due to inclement weather.


Shana Stuart delivered her Building Study report at the February meeting.  Her recommendations were:

·         Collection Space—weeding  of the book collection needed and needed more digital resources;

·         User Seats are at 26, needs to increase to 42;

·         Public Computing Place:  Currently have 4, average is 7.  Recommended to stay at 4.  Might be helpful to invest in tablets or laptops.

·         Staff Work Space: Currently, 3 staff work spaces.  The spaces that we have now is adequate for the needs.

·         Program Space:  The predictions are reliant on the types of programs held in the space.

·         Special Space:  Current needs are: Genealogical Area, Storage Space, Flexible Space, Makerspace, Collaborative Space, Community Information Space, Networking Equipment Closet, Staff Break Room, Beverage Station, Marketing, and Display Area.

·         Structure/Support Space: 25-27% of the building space would be recommended for the structure-support space (restrooms, entry foyer, stairs, elevator, mechanical systems, storage closets, and general aisle throughout the building).

·         Total space: 2,200 sq. ft. for addition for the back of the current building. 5,720 sq. ft. total with the addition and current space.  However, this still short of the minimum space needs.

·         Suggestions:  Put the collection on wheels, so that they can be moved around and open up different space needs.  Consider relocation.  An additional restroom would be needed in the new space.

Kathy Butler began in March, replacing Gene Grell.  Sandy Seeman was selected as the Foundation/Library liaison.  Myrna finished the 2nd assessment for EDGE and presented a list of the items that she would be doing the coming year for EDGE.  New hours for the library were approved and bean February 19.  The new hours were:


            M-W-F            9-5

            Tues-Thurs      9-7

            Sat                   9-12



During the spring break in March the Library sponsored the Jester Puppets on ‘The Art of Chivalry’.  The program was held at the Methodist Church.  The Myrna Mayfield grant had been applied for and submitted on March 25.    All the files that had been sent for digitalization, had been returned.  The Woodward Bulletin was placed on the Library’s website.  By the end of March the Summer Reading Program, the theme A Universe of Stories (outer space), preparation was complete. 


E-Rate provided the Library $500.04 for internet services.  In April, the annual Lions’ Club/Library Easter Egg hunt with Mr. E. Rabbit in attendance brought 81 to the library.

In April, Myrna attended Kids Matter Conference in Ames and the Dallas County Library Association Meeting.  In May she attended the State Library’s Directors’ Roundtable ‘Libraries and Community Engagement’.  April was Trustees training at the Adel Public Library, which the director attended.  The Annual Lions’ Club/Library Easter Egg Hunt had 81 in attendance.  The annual Dallas County Library Association held Toddler Fest, again in May with 800 in attendance.  At the May board meeting, Myrna gave a summary of the Trustees Training to the board. 


On May 31, 2019 the Director received an email from the State Library of Iowa:


            “Your library’s Tier Status and renewal date is listed below. Tier Status is good for three years.

As of July 1, 2019, Woodward Public Library is Tier 3 and accredited

Accredited until June 30, 2022

You will need to renew your Tier Status by February 2022”


The reaccreditation work was finally complete.


New in 2019, were be Adventure Passes, made possible with the Myrna Mayfield Grant.  These passes—checked out using a person’s Library card, which provides free passes to area attractions for a day of family fun.  The library purchased passes for Blank Park Zoo, Brenton Skating Plaza, Living History Farms, and Reiman Gardens.


The Library Board did the Social Center noon lunches for June, July, August, and September to help repay dollars to the Foundation.  Around $1400 was raised.  At the May meeting three names were selected to replace Terri Danilson, Jeanne Arends, and Kendra Spoeltra.  Their terms ended in June. 


During the Friends and Neighbors Day the library collaborated with that committee and held an evening family movie in the park.  (The Library held the license to make this possible for the community).  The library provided popcorn and water. 50 children and 20 adults attended the movie. 


Early planning for the Summer Reading Program: A Universe of Stories (outer space) had paid off.  Nearly every day from June 3-July 12 an activity or special program was scheduled.  The Prize Party was hosted on July 12. 50 people attended.  It was held in the meeting room.  One of several highlights this year, the Library brought the Star Lab in and hosted a morning event of star gazing for several groups in the W-G High School gymnasium.  The Summer Reading Kick-off during Friends and Neighbors Day hosted ‘Wood and Buzz Lightyear’.


Summer Reading Kick-off registered 59 children and adults.  The Book Sale earned $66.55.  Door count for the day was 215.  The total number of hours read were 824 and the total number of books read 435 were 435 by the K-5 and Teen groups.  There were seven Special Programs for SRP and for the Community with 157 in attendance. 


At the July, new board members Anthony Chiri, Sandra Dickson, and David Elliot had been appointed.  Sandra and David attended their first meeting in June, Dave was elected as secretary.  It took three months to make contact with Tony, then he only attended one meeting.  A replacement was found and Zane McGlade was appointed in December.  Zane’s first meeting would be February 2020.


In July Library Furniture International from Carlisle, Iowa came to give an estimate for having wheels put on the book shelves.  After looking at the situation in the library, their conclusion was that putting wheels on the existing shelves would present a danger to the public.   Home Doctor submitted a bid for $325 to evaluate the library for space efficiency.  No action was taken.  In this same meeting, it was decided to list the names of the Board Members on the Library’s website.


At the 2019 141 Garage Sale, the Library had another Book Sale that earned $40.  At the end of the book sale the books were boxed up and taken to Half Price Books.  This was a disappointment because the boxes of books left only earned 50 cents.  In July, Myrna presented a summary of the Building Study conclusions to bring the new board members up to date.  In August Myrna attended an all-day Stem Workshop in Anita, Iowa.  The State Library made the decision that it was time to change Plow (a platform that the website runs on) to a new upgraded platform called Concrete 5.  Myrna and Chris viewed the first webinar in August, then in September Chris was to attend a day long training workshop at the Perry Public Library.  Unfortunately it was cancelled.  In August the Library hosted a Cricut Craft class on Etching Glass. 12 total patrons attended the two days.


In September, the Woodward Public Library sponsored the All Dallas County Reads nonfiction book event.  The event was held at the Methodist Church on September 10 at 6:30.  The author Rachelle Chase gave a presentation on the history of Buxton, Iowa, promoting her book Lost Buxton.  46 were in attendance.


On September 19 the board members met in the evening at the Library to watch a trustee training webinar.  Planning began this month, for new patron computers and a new laptop.  This would be a part of the budget developed in November.  The Foundation board and Library board met together this month to discussion the financial issues and the growing issues of the Library.  Myrna and Chris attended an all-day Atriuum (the library’s circulation/check out system) workshop at the Perry Public Library in September.



The Library hosted the 7th Grade Literacy Classes in September, the first one for the year and the class would come again, in November.  Myrna attended two Dallas County Library Association meetings this month at the Adel Public Library and the Performers Showcase in Carlisle, Iowa sponsored by the State Library.  It was an all-day event showcasing performers that are available for the Summer Reading Program.


In September Kathy Yager began planning the Christmas Fundraiser.  The plan considered was a Cookie Walk.  Gaming systems were purchased with some Myrna Mayfield funds.


In October Myrna attended the Iowa Library Association/Nebraska Library Association/Nebraska School Library Association joint conference in Omaha the first week in October, followed by a State Library Circuit Day workshop in Avoca, Iowa on October 17.  At the end of October the City Council and the Library Board met together discussing the Library’s space management issues and the need for an addition or a new building.  The Annual Report was submitted to the State Library and distributed to City Council, Board, and the patrons.  Story time Tool Kit workshop was attended by Myrna, October 24 in Winterset, Iowa.


The State Library launched a delivery service, to distribute interlibrary loans throughout the state.  This reduced the cost of postage, because the only books mailed would be to colleges/universities, schools, institutions, and out of state libraries.


At the November board meeting, Kathy Yager attended and informed the members about the Christmas fundraiser.  This involved and show cased the businesses in Woodward.  Each business would purchase a wreath from the Library.  The businesses would decorate the wreath.  The wreaths would be returned to the library, where they would be displayed at the library, trailhead depot, and in several businesses.  While the wreaths were at these locations they would be auctioned off by Silent Auction.  Cookies and Candy made by community members would also be sold the following Saturday.


In November, 2 Gaming Systems and TVs were purchased and set up.  In December, W-G High School basketball coach, Brent Achenbach along with his basketball team presented a check to the library for $388 which was earned from the Hall of Pride Scrimmage.  The Dallas County Health Department came to the library to discuss with Myrna the possibility of collaborating together on improving the health of the citizens of Woodward.  A pilot program would be done at the Perry Library in 2020.  Woodward’s program would be next.  This initiative was being done with a grant written by DCHD. Woodward’s program would start in a few months.  This grant fell through, but DCHD immediately wrote another grant.  The Library/DCHD would receive this grant near the end of 2020. 


Concrete 5 the library’s new website program training was cancelled several times. By the end of the year it was finally ready to go.  Training began in January 2020.  Also, during this month, Russel Boyles took a picture from the Library’s archive and had it restored and framed.  He donated it to the library in November.  The library owns many old pictures that need to be restored and framed in this manner.  This could be a project for another grant, at another time.


Lastly, an item that was a constant, at every board meeting was board education, beginning in July.  The slate (7) of new board members (most were all new in late 2018 or by the beginning in July 2019 except one) meant that the members needed education to understand how they were to function as a board and as one.   This was ongoing at each meeting until June 2020, at which time, the education happened only occasionally, either at the Board Meetings, through Dallas County trustees training, or the State Library trustees workshops/webinars.


Adult Programs of 2019:


·         January            White Pole Road with Rod Stanley                                                   9

·         February          History of One-Room School Houses in Iowa with Sue Leslie         9

·         March  7-April 18(Thursdays)  Diabetes Program for Seniors                                    10

·         March              The Devil has My Consent (Witch Trials) with Kathy Wilson           12

·         April                P.O.W. Camps in Iowa with Linda McCann                                     20

·         May                 Upsize of Downsizing with Tracey Stoll                                            11

·         June                 State Fair Baking Entries                                                                    9

·         July                  Downstairs at Downton Abbey                                                          11

·         July                  UFO Sightings in Iowa    Chad Lewis           (included teens and children)   27

·         August                        Power of One: Lost Stories of the Granger Homesteads with Darcy Mauslby        18        

·         September       Creating the Black Utopia in Buxton Iowa    Rachelle Chase           46

·         September       Secrets of Getting Organized Using the Swedish Death Method with Cathy Cramer        12       

·         October           Iowa’s Lost History from the Titanic with Darcy Maulsby

                                    Cancelled due to funeral of speakers father

·         November       The History of Angus, Iowa with Rod Stanley                                  13

·         November       Dr. Jesse Bolinger (author visit)                                                          2

·         December        Holocaust with Brad Wilkining                                                          12